A nine month old girl lost half of her finger when it was trapped in a door whilst she was at nursery.
A worker at the private nursery did not see the girl follow her when she went into another room and her finger was trapped in the door edge.
The nursery told her father that she had simply ‘nicked’ her finger, until another worker found the detached part of her finger on the floor whilst cleaning.
A nine month old girl lost half of her finger when it was trapped in a door whilst she was at nursery.
A worker at the private nursery did not see the girl follow her when she went into another room and her finger was trapped in the door edge.
The nursery told her father that she had simply ‘nicked’ her finger, until another worker found the detached part of her finger on the floor whilst cleaning.
When her father arrived to pick her up, his daughter was distraught with a blood soaked towel wrapped round her hand sat next to her remaining finger in a cup of ice.
Her father drove her straight to the hospital where despite two and a half hours of attempts, her finger was unable to be reattached.
The baby now has a bandage wrapped around the whole of her hand and will be missing part of her finger for life.
Investigations into the nursery were undertaken which found that their policies and procedures were acceptable.
The accident happened after recent government findings that many nursery workers were under qualified for their role and proposals have been made for such workers to obtain minimum qualifications before being able to work in nurseries.
If your child has suffered an injury whilst at nursery that was not their fault you may be able to make a claim. We are specialists in children’s claims and it is important that you get independent expert legal advice, preferably as soon as possible from one of our specialist lawyers.
If you think you may have a claim, contact our specialist personal injury lawyers for immediate advice. Call Actons Injury Solicitors free on 08081 355 355 or click here to start your claim now.
Posted on February 22, 2013