Tattoo artist Kevin Paul, the tattoo artist to many celebrities, is campaigning for the tattoo industry to be regulated by law.
He has this year launched a campaign for regulations to be introduced to the industry after hearing of too many incidents where tattoos have gone wrong or have become infected.
Currently, there is no requirement for individuals to hold qualifications, or prove adequate training or tattooing experience in order to set up a tattoo studio whether in a shop or as a mobile practitioner.
Tattoo artist Kevin Paul, the tattoo artist to many celebrities, is campaigning for the tattoo industry to be regulated by law.
He has this year launched a campaign for regulations to be introduced to the industry after hearing of too many incidents where tattoos have gone wrong or have become infected.
Currently, there is no requirement for individuals to hold qualifications, or prove adequate training or tattooing experience in order to set up a tattoo studio whether in a shop or as a mobile practitioner.
Tattooing equipment is readily available and cheap to buy online by anybody, resulting in unqualified individuals purchasing and using the equipment without being aware of the risks.
Unsterilised equipment can spread diseases and if the tattoo is applied incorrectly it could lead to permanent scarring.
Kevin will attend the Houses of Parliament to discuss regulating the industry by law and he is hoping the celebrity endorsement of the campaign will help it to succeed.
Councils do not require much evidence in the way of certification when granting licences for tattoo studios and a number of individuals do not even bother to obtain a licence and simply work from home.
As well as infections and tattoos applied incorrectly there has been an increase in the number of underage children obtaining tattoos.
If you are considering getting a tattoo it is advisable to first contact the council and find out which parlours hold licences in the local areas, and ask tattooists to show their qualification certificates and a portfolio of work they have done that has safely healed.
We act for a number of clients who have suffered an injury from tattooing. If you have suffered a tattooing related disaster from a tattooist that was not your fault you may be able to make a claim. It is important that you get independent expert legal advice, preferably as soon as possible from one of our specialist lawyers.
If you think you may have a claim, contact our specialist personal injury lawyers for immediate advice. Call Actons Solicitors free on 08081 355 355 or click here to start your claim now.
Posted on April 12, 2013