From 1 October 2015 all private rental landlords in England are required to install smoke alarms on every floor of their property, and test them at the start of every tenancy. Landlords are also required to install carbon monoxide alarms in high risk rooms – such as those where a solid fuel heating system is installed. Sanctions for non-compliance are fines of up to £5,000.
The National Landlord’s Association (NLA) supported these new regulations but criticised the Government for the time taken in passing the regulations, providing only 2 weeks to comply and for causing confusion within the industry.
The Government have published a booklet for landlords explaining the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms regulations which can be found by clicking here.
For more information on this or any landlord and tenant issue, please contact Yvonne Thomas on 0115 9 100 235 or send her an email.
Posted on October 19, 2015