Common responses to managing sickness absence
In our fourth and final blog post on managing sickness absence, we look at views on the most common response to managing sickness absence by employers.
At an East Midlands HR Network event focussed on ‘Managing Sickness Absence’, Actons’ Employment lawyers, Nic Elliott and James Symons used a live polling application to uncover findings and perceptions of the topic from attendees’ professional experiences.
In the previous three blogs we looked at poll results which covered views from HR professionals on the cost of sickness absence to the UK economy by 2020, the most common causes of sickness absence for organisations, and views on the most important aspects of managing sickness absence.
What were the results?
The polls revealed interesting results in terms of their perceptions of employer’s levels of engagement when managing sickness absence. Only 21% of attendees believed employers manage absence robustly in line with good internal procedures. 14% believed employers were often struck by “utter panic and fear of disability discrimination”!
If you need help preventing or managing sickness absence in your organisation, please contact Nic Elliott and James Symons.
Posted on May 14, 2019