Have you always meant to make a Will but put it off? Or do you need to change your existing Will due to changed circumstances such as divorce? Or perhaps your family situation is complex due to caring responsibilities for a vulnerable person?
Actons have teamed with Reach Learning Disability to provide free one-to-one Wills Clinics on Saturday 5 October at their Reach Southwell Centre. At the clinic, members of our team will be available to answer those questions you were afraid to ask about Wills …and start planning for the future.
This is part of the work being done by Reach to helps their clients and supporters plan for the future. You can request a free copy of the Reach legacy brochure by contacting Laura Carr at Reach on 01636 819066, or by visiting their website.
Information on the clinic is below. Please note that bookings must be made by Monday 30th September. For enquiries or to book call Laura on 01636 819066 or click here to send her an email.
Posted on September 27, 2019